الاثنين، 15 أكتوبر 2012

كيفية تشغيل ماكينات تصوير المستندات

What is happening inside the machine photocopying something really amazing, this machine working principle of attracting shipments thus proving counter-productive, and portray a copy of any document Hack several steps occur within the copier, as follows:Sharp beam moves on the paper after putting them on a bottle of the camera, is reflected light from the white area of ​​the paper runs through a belt down Alderm. Wherever struck radiation, are exported conductive electrons from atoms in optical circuit copier that are strongly positive equation for shipments in the top dark areas in images or text does not reflect any light inside the circle copier, leaving areas positive charge on the surface of the circuit.

Toner (ink powder) that are fraught with negative electric shipments spread on the surface of the circuit, and then fuse atoms with positive charges remaining on the surface. Then pass the white paper on the surface of the circuit attractive black ink bubbles away and then heats the paper and pushing for that smelted image formed by the black powder on the surface of the paper.Copier parts
Belt light-sensitive circuitBelt light sensitive circuit is the heart of the device. Circuit is a roller covered with a layer optically conductive material. This layer are made of heat-conductive material such as selenium, Alaqraminyum or silicon, in the dark, working-class insulation resistance of electrons flowing from one atom to another, but when exposed to light, the photon energy (quantum optical) liberated electrons and allow it to pass. These electrons liberated equivalent positive charge that covers the circuit to print the image formed.Circuit wiresIn order to operate the machine copier, you must configure the positive charge on the surface of each of the circuit and paper copies. This task completed circuit wiring. These wires are subject to withstand high voltage which in turn convert it in the form of static electricity circuit and paper.Lamp and lensesTo make a copy is needed for a light source with enough energy to lay off electrons outside atoms conductivity light, visible light spectrum often contains enough energy to complete the process and in particular end of the spectrum with the colors green and blue despite the fact that the light of UV contains a power radiation sufficient to make a copy, but can be very damaging to consider and skin, for this was the use of incandescent light bulb or fluorescent simple to send light into the original document.When they are running lamp copier it moves across the copier from within and then shed light on one slice of paper at once and there is a mirror attached to lamp to collect and direct light inverted through lenses inside the circuit lens allows you to focus the image in a specific place you can change the distance between the lens and the original image and between the lens and the circuit in order to reduce or enlarge the size of the original image in your copy.Toner (toner)Article toner powder is stuffed lead role ink The black color is coming from pigment mixed in during manufacture plastic atoms when rolling beads copier toner over the circuit, the toner particles find positive ions shipping in the region is exposed on the surface of circuit copier more attractive than those other vulnerable beads positive shipping and then these same beads found flooded the paper with electrostatic charging interest plastic copier toner that works to save these beads to jump after it has been immersed in the paper.FuseFuse provides the finishing touches that make a shot toner permanently etched on paper, but that happens must smelter following:1 smelting and pressure toner image on the paper.2 prevent toner and paper Iltsqa fuseSteps back using the copier1 so that the copier accomplish the task of copying, must be the surface of a material with electrical connector coated with shipped a cargo positive ions by circuit wires.2 When you press the play button there lamp strong moves within copier and called light on paper that are meant to copy, and then start circuit copier in circulation and when light is reflected in the free areas of the paper you mirror the direction of light on the surface of circuit copier, and then you dark areas of the paper absorb this light.3 in places where flooding light during rotation circuit copier based optical photon energy to expel electrons away from the optical conductivity atoms.4 after it happens attraction Reverse where ions positively charged covering layer conductivity optical attracting free electrons fusion ion and one with a single electron produces molecules neutral charged particles remain only in places that have not flooded the light at the circuit copier, and those are the blanks dark filled text and images on the page.5 There is a driving force used in the core of electric circuit made of aluminum copier, and across is replaced electrons Almatqh, electrons constitute the current flowing through the circuit copier.6 open area of ​​the circuit copier spin above the cylinders crust of black toner powder or there is a very small atoms of toner be compressed on the surface of the circuit copier powder particles in the plastic cylinder carrying shipments leading to negative attracted to the positive charges, lying on the surface of the circuit copier .7 circuit wires pass over page paper paper and become electrically charged.8 atoms stick toner to the paper when the passage of circuit copier next.9 when the original image is copied and as a result of the hottest high-fused plastic material and the dye is printed on the paper. At the moment of the appearance of the new version outside the copier, the copier has equipped itself to the process of copying good.
لشراء ماكينات تصوير مستندات زيروكس
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